Note-1: Please read this note first. Note-2: While this page has the basic theoretical content, more elaborate explanations/visualizations will be added in sometime. Will notify on Moodle after adding.

Page Author: [Shubodh Sai](mailto:[email protected]?Subject=The%20Notion%20Note-taking%20Project%20|%20Least%20Squares%20Optimization)

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Linear Least Squares

Linear Algebra: The Overdetermined System

$$ A x=b \\\quad A \: is\: m \times n \text{ matrix where } m>n. $$

Note: We will be considering only full rank matrices. There are special cases like a low rank (like enforcing in F matrix computation), unknown rank systems etc which we won't be covering in this lecture.

In practice, it is full rank (noise) and overdetermined system (data). Assumed throughout this lecture.